When should I start taking my CPP?

You can start taking your CPP retirement pension at any age between 60 and 70. (You can start taking it after age 70, but there would be no reason to do that, and you would lose benefits.)

If you start taking your pension the month after you turn 65 years of age, you will get 100% of your benefit. If you start taking your pension before that age, it is reduced; after that age, it is increased. For example, in 2016, if you start taking your pension at age 60, it will be reduced by 36.0%. If you start taking it at age 70, it will be increased by 42%.retirement graphic

Here are some things to consider when deciding when to start taking your CPP retirement pension:

DR Pensions Consulting can provide accurate information about your CPP options, including the amounts you can expect to receive starting at a range of ages, and the corresponding lifetime benefits. Contact drpensions@shaw.ca.